constance beguier profile photo

I am an applied cryptographer specialised in SMC, FHE, DP and ZKP.
I love applying the latest advances in cryptography to real world use cases.

Research Interests

Secure Multiparty Computation
Homomorphic Encryption
Differential Privacy
Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Machine Learning
Federated Learning
Privacy Preserving Machine Learning


Simulate cyberattacks, identify vulnerabilities and collaborate on fixes (webapp, AWS)
Set up training programs on cryptography, blockchain, SMC, DP, ZKP, PPML
Apply the latest advances in cryptography to real world use cases (SMC, DP, ZKP)

Research topics:
  • Zero-Knowledge Proofs
  • Cryptocurrency (Zcash)
Participation in the SIEVE DARPA project to create a new zk interoperability standard [Rust]
Implementation of new features in Zcash [Rust, halo2]

Research topics:
  • Privacy Preserving Machine Learning (Differential Privacy, Secure Multiparty Computation, Homomorphic Encryption)
  • Federated Learning (how to train a joint model on privacy-held datasets)
  • Machine Learning in healthcare (histopathology, clinical data, ...)
Participation in iDASH 2020 competition Track III on Differentially private federated learning for cancer prediction model (3rd place)

Some publications in international conferences

Design and improvement of the traders' services:
  • Development and evolution of the Market Data Dispatcher (several hundreds of millions of requests per day) [Go]
  • Development and evolution of the market data storage systems [Go, Python]
  • Contribution to the global improvement of our services (monitoring, production incidents, continuous improvement) [Python, Bash]

Research topics:
  • Biometric cryptography (secure sketch, fuzzy vault, biometric statistics, Bloom filters)
  • General cryptography (Secure multiparty computation, Fully/Somewhat homomorphic encryption, Bitcoin/blockchain, White-box)
  • Machine Learning and privacy (Secure multiparty computation, Fully/Somewhat homomorphic encryption, differential privacy, Convolutional Neural Network, k-means, genetic algorithms)
Some publications in international conferences
Inventor of some patents

Participation in some cooperative projects (ANR SecuLar, FP7 FIDELITY, FP7 BEAT, RCN SWAN, CRYPTOCOMP FUI17, FP7-SEC-2013-1-607049 EKSISTENZ)